
Almost half way there…

People in their 50’s feel as though they have made it “half way” through life at this point and sometimes feel as though they need a “makeover” of some kind…whether it is aesthetically or job/work related.

Their children are usually in high school by now and the realities of college planning are smack dab in front of them…have they prepared enough?  Will their children work their way through or end up behind due to a lack of planning?

They are feeling as though Retirement is not far off and have dreams and desires of “getting out early” and traveling…if they’ve saved enough.

Now is time to start scaling back on Market exposure…a great Rule of Thumb…100 – your age equals the amount of Equity exposure one should have at this time, i.e. 100 – 50 = 50%.  No more than 50% of your money should be allocated to risk or riskier investments and the other 50% should be conservative and long-range allocated…bonds, fixed products, annuities, etc…
